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We Are Hiring a Range of Positions

Plant Operators

We train, qualify and employ plant operators for loaders, dozers, graders, surface miners, excavators and rollers. 


Contact us to find out about pathways into plant operating.

Truck drivers

We train, qualify and employ plant operators for water trucks, tipper trucks and other vehicles. 


Contact us to find out about pathways into these jobs.


Traffic controllers

We provide training in traffic control to set you up for an entry point into the industry.

Contact us to see if this is the right job for you.


We are always looking for experienced supervisors to join our construction teams.  If you have experience in road construction, mining civil works or other forms of construction, contact us today so we can discuss pathways and opportunities.

Admin assistants

Our projects need people to process paperwork and work with our systems.  You don't need any experience, we can train you as long as your up for learning a few new things.

Safety and Quality 

Our project require strict compliance with safety and quality standards.  If you are interested in a career in safety and quality, give us a call to discuss the pathways and opportunities.

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